Professional Values
  • Impact. Positive impact on society is the key priority of our research projects.
  • Intellectual excellence. Research is mostly about ideas, and ideas are not equal. We shall only pursue ideas that we believe are good.
  • Reproducibility. All our research will be accompanied with source code, data and friendly reproduction packages following the principles of open science.
Current students
  • David Williams (PhD)
    March 2024–Present
    First supervisor. Second supervisor: Federica Sarro
    Thesis: Automatic Patch Explanation Using Large Language Models
  • Liu Yu (PhD, NUS/CREST)
    September 2020–Present
    Co-advisor. Other advisors: Abhik Roychoudhury, Emmanuel Letier
    Thesis: A Static Program Repair Framework Based on Symbolic Datalog
  • Nikhil Parasaram (PhD)
    September 2019–Present
    First supervisor. Second supervisor: Earl T. Barr
    Thesis: Synergising Program Analysis and Machine Learning for Program Repair