20/12/23 | A paper on deployment of program repair at Bloomberg has been accepted to ICSE SEIP'24. |
22/11/23 | I gave a talk about Symlog at the National University of Singapore. |
17/11/23 | I gave a talk about Symlog at Imperial College London. |
16/09/23 | I am co-organising APR workshop at ICSE'24. |
07/08/23 | A paper on enhancing program analysis with fuzzing is accepted to ASE'23. |
27/07/23 | A paper on using Datalog for program repair has been accepted to FSE'23. |
22/02/23 | Our ICSE'23 paper received ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award. |
22/12/22 | I have given a talk about Modus at JetBrains. |
21/12/22 | A paper on reproducible research has been accepted to ICSE'23 NIER. |
08/12/22 | A paper on learning variables for patch synthesis has been accepted to ICSE'23. |
21/11/22 | I have given a talk about Modus at Microsoft. |
16/11/22 | A paper on SMT-based network verification has been accepted to FM'23. |
07/10/22 | I am co-organising automated program repair workshop at ICSE 2023. |
03/08/22 | I have given a talk about Modus at NUS. |
14/06/22 | A paper describing Modus has been accepted to FSE'22. |
16/03/22 | A paper on fairness repair has been accepted to FairWare'22. | 15/11/21 | I am co-organising automated program repair workshop at ICSE 2022. |
28/09/21 | A paper on synthesising patches with side effects has been accepted to TSE. |
03/02/21 | An empirical study on API misuse repair has been accepted to TSE. |
15/11/20 | I am co-organising automated program repair workshop at ICSE 2021. |
05/08/20 | I have given a talk on semantic program repair at NUS Computing Research Week. |
14/06/22 | A paper describing Modus has been accepted to FSE'22. |
16/03/22 | A paper on fairness repair has been accepted to FairWare'22. |
15/11/21 | I am co-organising automated program repair workshop at ICSE 2022 |
28/09/21 | A paper on synthesising patches with side effects has been accepted to TSE |
03/02/21 | An empirical study on API misuse repair has been accepted to TSE |
15/11/20 | I am co-organising automated program repair workshop at ICSE 2021 |
05/08/20 | I have given a talk on semantic program repair at NUS Computing Research Week |
20/01/20 | I have given a talk on semantic program repair at 62nd CREST Open Workshop on program repair and GI |
15/11/19 | I am co-organising automated program repair workshop at ICSE 2020 |
27/09/19 | I have attended Shonan Meeting 160 on Fuzzing and Symbolic Execution |
01/09/19 | A paper on program repair for education has been accepted to ASE'19 |
22/07/19 | I have given a talk on semantic program repair at SUSTech |
26/06/19 | I have received National University of Singapore IMDA Excellence Prize |
08/05/19 | I am giving a talk on semantic program repair at Imperial College London on May 16 |
01/05/19 | A paper on test generation for program repair has been accepted to ISSTA'19 |
30/03/19 | I am giving a talk on symbolic execution at JetBrains Research on April 1 |
20/03/19 | I have received ACM SIGSOFT Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award |
01/02/19 | I have joined Department of Computer Science at University College London as a Lecturer |
13/08/18 | I have attended Marktoberdorf Summer School 2018 |
24/07/18 | A paper on test-equivalence for program repair has been accepted to TOSEM |
21/06/18 | I have defended my PhD thesis "Semantic program repair" |
11/06/18 | A paper introducing second-order symbolic execution has been accepted to FSE'18 |
18/04/18 | I have attended Dagstuhl Seminar 18151 on Program Equivalence |
14/12/17 | A paper on program repair using a reference implementation has been accepted to ICSE'18 |
12/09/17 | A correlation study between program repair and test-suite metrics has been accepted to EMSE |
12/07/17 | A technical report on applying test-equivalence to scale program repair is available in arXiv |
20/03/17 | A new version of our program repair tool Angelix 1.1 has been released |
14/02/17 | A poster on the program repair benchmark Codeflaws has been accepted to ICSE'17 |